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What's happening in Singapore these days?

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Police officers in bullet-proof vests and carrying sub-machine guns were seen in Serangoon Gardens yesterday as part of a national effort to thwart potential terrorist attacks.
What can I say? Global terror seems to be the news these days. Seems like arms and bomb makers are ka-chinging all the way to the bank.

IT'S happy times for mobile phone users here. The three local service providers - SingTel, StarHub and MobileOne (M1) - have recently slashed prices, making their mobile price plan offerings more competitive.
Cheaper bills for everyone. Hurray! Now it's time for phone makers to slash their prices. Come on, $700-$1000 for a piece of plastic, LCD and transistor chips? I personally feel Singaporeans sibei wu lui, change their hp now and then. No wonder phone makers are happily keeping a healthy profit margin.

MOBILEONE (M1) and Pacific Internet (PacNet) are participating in a two-month trial to deliver wireless broadband to homes and offices which, if successful, will mean cheaper Internet subscriptions.

What I think? Good luck to Wi-Fi and hotspots which charge by the minute at cafes, hotels, etc. My unlimited broadband internet can be accessed anywhere. Laptops will have a surge in demand, we'll see more uncles getting caught surfing porn in public. Now we'll just see what's the results of the trial and the pricing plans.

AN ANIMAL rights group yesterday intensified its search for a full-grown pet tiger allegedly kept near Sixth Avenue, despite scepticism that someone here is actually hiding one of these wild creatures.
Woah, rock on.. Siberian huskies? My tiger beats any dog of the moment anytime.

WE ARE facing an alarming Aids epidemic in Singapore. Globally, more than 20 million people have died since the first case was identified in 1981. Since we are a global city and global efforts to control Aids have failed dismally, we should not be surprised we now face the same problem that the world has been grappling with.
What to do? Stop having sex when you're diagnosed with it? Use condom? Frankly I think the person gives jack-shit about responsibility upon knowing that AIDS is the end of the world, might as well live it to the fullest! Find the fucking cure, god damn it!

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