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Memoirs of my first fire - Part 2

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I immediately jumped off the pumper and headed straight for the equipment cabinet at the back. The sense of urgency was strong with all the bystanders looking at me but I had to keep my cool. I grabbed all the equipment that was needed and turned around. Everyone was already in the building. "Damn.." I looked and saw hoses being laid out so natural instinct told me to follow it into the building.

The building was no glasshouse. The electricity was out and it was dark. The sunlight was barely reaching in so I had to keep following the hoses and climbed up the stairs. I could hear voices and it was smoking bad so I wore my mask and switch on my oxygen tank. When u breath from the tank, you feel like Darth Vader cos that's exactly the sound u make. I could hear a high sissing sound and i realised that the mask was leaking air. Shit. But damn just keep proceeding.

Moving low below the smoke, I saw my other firemen. They finished laying out the lines so me being the nozzleman, took over and connected my nozzle to the hose. "WATER ON!!!!!" I shouted and the message passed on till it was heard outside and the water came in.

The room on fire was totally smoking. There was nothing to be seen beyond the door as it was all smoke. I just moved forward with the guidance of my senior and sprayed in. I could have done it with my eyes closed because basically i see shit. As i watered in a radar manner, the only exposed part of my neck near my ears felt extremely hot. I turned left, the heat from the right came. I turn right, the left came. I finally appreciated my fire jacket - although it feels like an oven inside and sweats u like hell, it is fire-proof and protects you from the heat.

The sissing from my mask slowly emptied and I checked my oxygen level. Ending soon. Had to move out. Another fireman arrived and I signalled to take over. I went out to take a breather and saw the smoke has turned to white colour meaning the fire has been put out. After the action was over, we observed the fire scene. Everything has melted and the roof even collapsed! The windows were cracked out and everything was a mess of melted goo and whatever was left of it. Stayed till investigations was over and went back to the station.

I went up to my dormitory and started on my packet of chicken rice. Barely through the food, the alarm went off and activated us again. Groaned I did, smiled and jumped off the sliding pole 3 storeys down to my fire pumper to head to another one of the countless fire and rescue incidents in my course of duty. :)

Close up on a Honda Accord, trashed. Blood from brain on the floor.

Crashed into a SBS bus at high speed round a corner. Saved two, one died on the spot.

A beautiful view you'll say. A wretched situtation to fight fire. No nearly hydrants, armed with only canvas beaters and boots to put out the fire.

Taking a break.. "Mum! I'm at a fire! Damn big! Come take pictures of me in my stylo milo outfit!"

I'll rather take this than the shuttle bus+mrt I take to work everyday.

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