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Updates as per requested

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I've been living like a hermit for the month of June. Basically cutting down alot on outings and clubbings. Nowadays usually would be hanging out at the MacDonald's at Plaza Singapura after work. Expenditure was exceptionally high over the last month, literally had to sideline to sell computer parts online and go servicing computers in order to make ends meet. I feel so stressed.. Appetite gone down quite a fair bit.

The Manager has given me some good news today on my career advancements but I'll be forced to make a choice but generally either way will have good and bad. One will be flying solo elsewhere but has significant higher pay and status but the other will be still within the team. Which should I choose? :/ I've grown quite accustomed to the rest of the folks so this will be a very fine decision to make.

Few days back, Lao Da Hwei passed me a brand new set of DLink Wireless Router + USB adapter. Wooohooo... Shiok. It supports UPnP and I feel the net is now currently more responsive now!! I consider it barter trade la, passed him quite a lot of spare computer parts from my garang guni expeditions. :P

SIM is opening soon on July 4th already. It's time to hit the books with some serious reading already.. I've booked two financial papers (generously sponsered by HSBC) at the start of August. I don't intend to FAIL!!!! I shall never fail another paper again. It became a habit in poly era and a nasty one at that.

Should I buy a new graphics card to play Battlefield 2???? *fish, considered working adult already still play games.... * but this should be forgiven as I dun gamble. :)

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