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Missing You

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I still remembered the first time i saw you on my first day. Images of you still linger in my thoughts now and then. It's funny how we got together. I didn't expect you to like me back, I always thought you deserved someone better. Friends around me always snigger at me when you appeared nearby. Your presence always made my day then. Finally we were brought together by Fate. I felt your breath on my neck when I sent you home that night. You were troubled yet lonely then. I was surprised you planted a kiss on my cheek at your doorstep.

Now and then we would call each other up and chat for hours. That night we chatted till 5am. I saw you the next day and you looked tired. I cheekily asked why you looked so tired. That look you gave me was priceless.

Another night came along and we finally got together. When you held my hand and leaned on me, your hand in mine felt rough and callous. I so wanted to take care of you to bring you happiness and joy.

Time passed and I didn't cherish what I had. Lost you and my sense of direction in life. Till today I'm still trying to pick up the pieces and where we left off. I feel that we were both just a stop in each other's lives. I guess it's hard to find a replacement for you. Hopefully one day images of you will drift away into the dark dark sky and a bright star shall glitter in my heart once more.

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