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Last Day at Citibank

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Today was my last day of my short but memorable 3 month stint at Citibank. It has been enjoyable experience for me and an enriching one too. I've handled thousands of accounts ranging from credit cards to overdraft accounts. Boring accoubts as well as interesting ones. Normal people as well as celebrities. Decent people as well as those that always go Hotel 81. Low usage card users to those always at Bar None or Phuture. You can tell a person's character almost by just looking at their statements.

As 6pm approached, I slowly felt the feeling of leaving. It was not good man. The office felt exceptionally quiet tonight. No one felt happy that I was leaving. Especially my buddy-cum-colleague. He was exceptionally disturbed by the fact. He kept sighing and looked down. Felt bad.

Me and Kelvin - Last Day

I went over to another office to surrender my pass and handle some logistics stuff with my manager. After that, I slowly cleared my deske. Damn how come I'm so depressed all of a sudden.. As I logged off my account and shut down my WinAmp, I clicked Start > ShutDown. As the computer harddisk whirred and purred with activity signally clearing up and shutting down, it dawned on me that I never once shut down my computer during my days here. We always left the computers on standby and they would wait patiently till the next morning when we moved the mouse and the monitor will blink and wake up for us to use.

Last Glance Before I left

As it shut down, I looked around and I took a deep breathe, walked to the door and said "Bye guys" and waved to them. Another chapter of my life has ended, yet it signalled the start of another. April 20th will be that day.

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