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Lost and found

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I always wondered what would I do if I lose the car-key while I'm out. It came true. Apparently I was hit by the curse of the HSBC CCBT team. My friend had just lost her handphone a couple of days ago and she was so distressed by it. It was my turn on Saturday night.

Decided at the last minute to join a few friends for drinks. A rather uneventful night with just drinks and some small-talk. I was dogged out by table-tennis,swimming and sauna earlier in the day and wasn't really prepared to go out for drinks actually. But decided not to let Saturday go to waste. At 430am, I stepped out of the club. Later on I joked to my friend.

"So whose house tonight? Yours or mine?" *sniggers*
"You go back your home and I go back mine." *serious*

Jokes continued for a while and my friend debating for me to send her home. Then I felt for my key. Eh!! How come don't have? Kept going through my pockets. Jialuck!!! Not there!!!

Went back and looked around in the dark at my original seat. Not there. Went out to find my friends and I was seriously stoned about what to do. My mind was already going through the S.O.P for this kind of situation.

Take a cab home, call my younger brother for the spare key, take a cab back, drive home.

Wah this sucks big time.. Determined not to be beaten by the curse of CCBT, we decided to go back together to our table and look around. My friends started looking and I looked for the bouncer. A smart-looking indian/malay chap was standing near the bar. I went over and told him I lost my keys. He was like paying like half-attention to me and perhaps more on the babes dancing around then suddenly his eyes went big and "you lost your CAR keys?" Eh... Yup. He immediately radioed people and asking if they found anything and they replied negative. He told me to wait about 10-15 minutes more and I went back to sit at my place. Later on he came and used his torchlight and after a while he was like..

"hey what's ya name!"
"Errr... Rihao" *don't tell me u find me familiar or you know me from somewhere.. I'm pretty distressed and stoned as of now*
"How does your car key look like?"
"Black lor.."
"Like Mercedes carkey right"
"Er... I think so la.."*I don't own a Mercs so I don't know wat!!*
Then he showed me the key. Wah!!! My key!!!
"Don't tell me you have it all along ah?"
"No la.. I found it behind the curtain, how can I be sure it's yours and not someone else?"
*wah bloody hell still can joke with me*
"You follow me to my car lah then I open for you."
"Sure ah? You send me back after that?" "Ok where?" "Woodslands"
"Ok la!" *You just saved me over $30 in taxi fares and a whole lot of convenience!*
"No la joking! Just standard procedure for people claiming their lost and found."
"No problem next time I buy ya drink when I come back again! Bye!"

Hell of a night.. Had me worried to bits. But in the end, I survived the curse. Haha.

My friend was like.. "So unfair. I never found my handphone."

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