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Problems and Focus

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Why am I faced with so many problems daily? Big or small, nevertheless they linger around my mind all the time. Even after work, I come home to a whole different set of issues to handle.

Something big happened on Saturday. I'm so guilty I found out only when I reached home at 3am and charged my handphone to only receive the message at 4am. If only I had not gone out that night.

Whatever the case, all these problems is just a test for me I guess. I must face them straight on and face to the consequences. I need to change myself for the better. To better focus. To better understand. To be more in touch with situations and people around me.

As my SIM team mates commented "Don't know why you so slack now, last semester you were so siao on.." and hence my moodiness dragged our school projects down. Power of influence I guess! :P

Gotta get my act together. FOCUS!!

1 Responses to “Problems and Focus”

  1. Blogger Hanny 



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