On Friday, went to watch The Myth which was produced by Jacky Chan with Eric, Wendy, Gladys and Shirley. The show was pretty good. The usual Jackie stunts were there meaning that they were purely there as entertainment.
Pretty kick ass movie with the storyline morphing between the past and the present life of Jackie who was a brave famous general in the past and a archaelogist in the present. I enjoyed his fighting scenes throughly, very stylish and fierce. The female casts are also pretty eye-catching! :) I'll give it 4 stars!
Headed to Rouge later on with two of my colleagues Eric, Wendy to meet a friend, Traven from HSBC as well. Had free entry. Rouge is pretty good! With live band singers like John Molina (I think I spelt his name wrongly), it was a great night with great live songs and nice R&B music. I was pretty high on that night but Saturday didn't have to work but needed to work on project.

I was the emcee for Adeline's wedding last Sunday. Needless to say, the nervousness was there the moment I woke up that day. Took the script and went through it countless times - I was doing the Chinese language part and I couldn't even go through some of the words smoothly before getting tongue tied! Went to pick up the girls who stayed over at her place to celebrate or rather grieve over her last night of singlehood and we headed to Warren Country Club where it was held. It was located in Choa Chu Kang, meaning literally from East to West of Singapore! I spent time rehearsing the script with Ashy and Cynthia who were very helpful with the chinese words.
I still remembered vividly my first entry into the restaurant with the lights dimmed to almost pitchblack with a punchy song with drums been played as me and my companion Karen waltzed along the pathway carrying two hello kitty lanterns(idea by karen, rejected unsuccessfully by me). While walking we were like "HelllooOooOoO everybody!!!" Wah, kind of got shocked by my own voice been played out loud by the several JBL speakers in the restaurant. It was cool yet nervous at the same time but I guess all the orientation speech I gave during my NS stint at my firestation at open house helped alot as I did not really get frightened by so many people looking at me. In fact, I think I looked around but never really into their eyes or expression.
Felt like I was in control, if I messed up, it was due to me and only me. So i ignored everyone's expression and just proceeded with the schedules like the solemnization ceremony, march-ins of Adeline and her husband, champagne popping, yam senging and etc etc. Getting the feel of it already so I started to crap on stage just to cheer things up. While the couple was pouring champagne I went "Wah... Just look everybody... They are so nervous I can see their hands
jun already! Haha!" A particular table went wild with hysterical laughter and I looked in the direction. All my colleagues there laughing like mad. LOL!!
Ok la, the night ended not without bloopers as well however I shall not mention it here. It was a great experience and I don't mind doing it again for a friend.
Till again.