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Dollars and sense.

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Well well it's almost the end of the week. Finally collected payment from the commercial HDB shop at Blk 416 from both landlord and tenant. Now waiting to collect payment from Blk 89 before I go submit to my company on Monday. Finally have some results to show after so long (although technically I started on Mid-April which was then I finally got my namecards that time) so I heaved a sigh of relief. Closed both within days and hopefully my River Valley deposit will come tomorrow. By then it will be a grand total of 3 deals this month. :)

I hope to start saving up for things in life that most people want I guess.. A car and a house... But in this generation, it's not that it's not possible. It's just how long it takes to finish paying for it. In this new globalised market, job security is practically non-existent. Business fail 9 out of 10 in the first 5 years. Going through SIM made me think alot about the value of money. Now I hardly dare to spend on unneccessary things (although i still spend a small fortune on food) that I find won't last me more than 2 years.

Hence, although it's easy to take out a bank loan on a car or house.. but a car starts depreciating the day you buy it. depreciation + expenses + rising cost of fuel + interest installments = Serious $$$ flying away man.

It's the same for housing loans. Out of a $1000 monthly installment, maybe $800 goes to interest and only $200 goes towards paying your outstanding. No wonder it's so competitive in banking industry. Some serious money to be made here. Renting a place to call my own? Nah.. You pay rental every month, end of the day you move somewhere else and all that $$$ goes to the landlords pocket and u have nothing.

Hence, I must work hard and save more money. A car (preferably a 2nd hand Evolution 8? *grinz* ) and a house will come in time. Taking out a loan is inevitable. Paying in full is impossible. Unless I strike Toto. Which has a probability of exactly 0 too since I dun gamble. Working smart and finding ways to secure financial stability shall be the main focus for year 2006.

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