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End of Saturday Project Meetings...

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Finally presentations and projects at SIM has been settled. It's been a good 2-3 months of Saturday meetups to complete my team projects. Somehow Saturdays don't feel the same anymore, kinda idle nowadays. Hurz.

A little bit on my property career path... En bloc sales seem to be the hots these days. On hand got one lobang of owners wanting to launch a collective sales on their semi-detached houses. Me and Dad are now following up tightly on this issue. Imagine a rookie being part of a successful en-bloc project! My only fear is that with no fixed office hours, the slacker in me starts to take over. I hate it when I slack. But I still do. Fugged.

Right now my little nephew Ryan is crying now. He seems to be getting brighter and bigger each day! Immersely cute, he distracts my parents attention all the time. Which is GOOD of coz so they can't bother me. Haha. Lucky fella, has every stage of his growing up scrutinised and digitally stored on pictures and video clips. I'm not sure whether naked baby pics of yourself is considered good or not though. Hurz.

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