It's been slightly over a week since I left the bank. Basically life has slowed down for me. More relaxed, less stress, basically the slacker's life! Wahaha.
To prepare myself for my new career in property, I have did a bit of research and read some books. Dad has been bombarding me with information intensely and I'm trying to absorb whatever I can. I've been to HDB Hub to witness a sale of a 5-room HDB flat and got to know some property agents in the process. Just registered at Propnex and burned a minor hole in my pocket. Sigh.... The courses all crash with my SIM schedule so in the end I intend to attend the property courses after my semester exams.
In the meanwhile, technically speaking I can do property though I lack the skillsets and knowledge. Haha. How ironic. Although there's a light at the end of the tunnel, I'm worried that I might run out of gasoline (read:$$) before that. Stressssss. Gotta run around checking out places every day now and when the time comes, it's time to advertise in the papers once I get some deals listed.
Lucky I managed to land myself 2 computer deals this week. Enough to cover myself for around half a month. :D
Anyway, gonna enjoy myself to the max this weekend. Anything else can wait. Hope to meet up with the 469ners at MOS as well as my dear colleagues on Sat and Sun. :)
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