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Words of console

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My first photo advert in the Classifieds today. I'm glad it turned out alright. However my glorious moment was overshadowed by tons of veterans with multiple picture and listings plastered all over the pages. :/ Well, there's always a first time. For now, I'm still Mr. Rookie.

Darlene, a friend of mine who's now intending to stay put in Aussie after her stay chatted me up just now. She said I was very brave to switch to this line as it's a tough industry. I told her I was probably reckless that was why I did it since I had to prepare to forgo any income for at least 3 months. The reply I got was "you the super motivated kind mah.. I'm sure you can do it" Upon hearing that I was kinda touched.

I mean, who nowdays will actually chat with you intending to talk to you about your own stuff? From Aussie as well since she's now studying there. Really appreciate that conversation I had wif her.. Since I'm now kinda stressed out over work and my exams will be due in less than 2 weeks, I felt relieved after that talk.

Soon I will be bringing my little pig out for a skating session. She can't skate so I'm teaching her.. Hope she don't get any injuries or else I'll probably not have any good days after that! After that is rest and relax followed by Sentinel later in the night with Team 469ners. Tomorrow will bring my friend cum customer to look for her dream home in Tiong Bahru/Redhill. I hope I can help her find her dream home soon.

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Talking about skates, my Solomon FSK skates literally gathering dust on the shoe rack. *sighz in disbelief*

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