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Full cycle of a property transaction cycle completed.

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My watch and my new mont-blanc pen which was a present. They go well together eh? :)

Today went to the office to submit my commission and met up with my seniors. As it is my first time submitting my commission, I was like a bit blur here and there. Filled up the form and went to submit the forms and the cheques to the counter lady. To my horror there were another form to fill at the counter. In my haste to fill up the forms as they required each cheque to be accompanied by the form, I mixed up the details for every single cheque (there were 3) and there was one submission which I had to do in cash. When I told the lady I was submitting one portion in cash, she told me I had to submit the exact amount. Not a dollar more or less. -_- Completed the three submissions first, rushed down to grab a drink and went up to finalise it. The lady was like "This isn't your first time right? :)" I was like.. "Yah man its my first" She grinned and said never mind I'll get the hang of it. I proceeded on to check with her regarding attending the real estate course and she was a bit amazed that I haven't even attend any courses yet I closed two deals. Self-study and 24 hr consultation with my dad and his fellow agents mah. :D Anyway, I missed the sign up period again.. Today was the first day of the course and it's full. Next one in July. FUCK!!!! I think my SIM course will start by then. Screwed up again. Anyway a pleasant surprise, my bank referral fee just flew in and I immediately collected it at the counter(the rest of the commissions they have to deduct the agency share and issue back to me a few days later) and I immediately threw the cheque into the quick cheque deposit downstairs. WoOohOooO.

Anyway, finally I experienced the process flow from prospecting of clients till signing of contract till commission collection and submission. Ho say. Now I have to keep myself busy with moving house. It seems like it's gonna take 1-2 weeks. Cock up. Sometimes I wonder why my parents can't do things in a timely, co-ordinated matter. Always a bit here and there. They too free never mind still wanna eat into my time sometimes. Just when I tried to check with them the E.T.A, they told me that the painting of rooms and the house will not be done by the painters. It's a DIY. Means I have to paint myself. Wah lan eh!!! By when can i move in!?!?!?!?!

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