The Bak Chor Mee pod cast
Published Thursday, June 01, 2006 by Rihao | E-mail this post
Concerns were raised in the papers today regarding podcasts and the world of blogging's effects on the recent General Election. I'm not going so much into the details. But here's a link to the "The Persistently Non-Politically Podcast" by the MrBrown show which is damn hilarious. Talking about a man who order bak chor mee and claims that he didn't want pig liver. The mee uncle proved him otherwise with a footage of his IN-STALL CCTV and demanded the guy to explain why he claimed he said he didn't want pig liver when in fact he didn't mention anything about it at all. Damn hilarious!
the mrbrown show 1 May 2006: the persistently non-political podcast no. 6
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