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Round and round

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First night of lesson was tarnished by the fact that I can't find the location. I'm suppose to do a U-Turn at one of the junctions along Dunearn Road but hell there was so many U-Turns I can't figure out which one! And it didn't help that Les called and said we had to be there by 630pm instead of 7.

"Huh? Why not at 7pm?"
"Didn't you receive the letter?"
*Argh*Letter sent to old permanent address*

Finally found the place and saw him at the roadside. Phew, I'm not that late. Picked him up and drove to carpark. Walked towards the school alongside with a babe. "Wah, steady sia, scaly our batch" ...

Alas, registration and a quick peek later around the lecture theatre garnered no appreciable flowers.

2 lectures later, we have formed a group of 5 guys for our biz project. Upon submission of details, i discovered that we were the youngest in the group. Sigh... Anyway, I hope this course is what I prefer to rather than IT last time.

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