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Fists of Fury

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Met Les and Diana for shopping with dinner on Friday night. Burnt a hole with a Levi's 508. Been so long since I bought a pair of new jeans! Yay! Les bought shirts and pants for his initiation at Standard Chartered. Yo sucker, all the best! Diana bought shoes and some toy thing for her friend's child. Got new contract some more. Nice work!

Mid-way, Vixie called me to join Rose's hotel room to have some drinks because she booked the room for 3 days to celebrate her birthday. It's at Pan Pacific Hotel by the way. Girls nowadays really cash rich to celebrate their birthdays at hotels huh? Hehs. Initially had no intention to go as I felt I would feel awkward there as probably I would find a few unfamiliar faces but Vix said that she personally invited me so I should not disappoint them. Decided to go at 12am after we ended our shopping trip. Little did I expect what was in store for me at Pan Pacific. (no RA stuff la! Wah lan!)

Went up to 28th floor and saw 4 girls with 2 guys. Playing Red Indian! I quickly joined in and wished Rose happy birthday. Rose if ya reading this, treat's on me next time yah?

Wah, the drinks they mixed were horrible.. Half a glass of Vodka Raspberry with 7-11 added to the brim. I kanna one time I already kong ka kiao. Anyway didn't have a full dinner so drinks of such horrideous nature was definately out for me so I drank less. Decided to lie down on the pillow as it felt comfy and cooling. Dozed off shortly.

Around 3-4am I was awakened by shouting. Two of the girls were at blows with each other and stuff. What the hell was happening? One of them was throughly disturbed as what Vix said, Emily Rosed. Took quite a few of us GUYS to restrain her from landing blows on another one of our friend. Never seen a woman with such fury with no logical explaination - they said it was over a handphone. WHAT THE HELL!?

After lots of struggling and shouting, finally someone knocked on the door. The hotel bouncer has arrived. He dragged her out of the room and all the way to the lift. Me and two girls followed suit and brought her stuff along. They called her husband (yes she's my age and married) and she just slouched on the sofa. Two more persons came up to inspect the situation and suggested to carry her down. Dunno how come it came to this but I ended up have to carry her MYSELF. Someone whom I barely knew. Argh. Ok never mind I carried her to the lift - the kuku security just started to press the lift button(should have pressed it earlier!) and I had to stand watching the numbers jump SLOWLY from 1 till 28. Oh yeah, I just had a backsprain the other day.

As I entered the lift, I had to hold on and wait the numbers count SLOWLY AGAIN from 28 to 1. OMG~! After leaning on the lobby couch and finally puking over the carpet and MY HANDS, her husband arrived and took her away.

Extremely disturbing night and must have been extremely depressing for the birthday girl to have such a thing happening. I hope everything will not escalate out of hand between the group. :/

View of Pan Pacific Hotel from the 28th Floor as I was leaving in the morning.

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